El tejido continúa en lo ilegible
Aeromoto, Mexico City
5 August 2017

My book With A Bao A Qu Reading When Attitudes Become Form is being exhibited as part of El tejido continúa en lo ilegible, curated by Cinthya García Leyva, at Aeromoto in Mexico City.
Books included are:
Silence, John Cage; Blind, Sophie Calle; Reading the Illegible + No Medium, Craig Dworking; With a Bao a Qu. Reading when Attitudes Become Form, Maria Fusco; Escrituras nómades, Belén Gache; Anti-Humboldt, Hugo García Manríquez (préstamo de Roberto Cruz Arzabal); All or Nothing. An Anthology of Blank Books+ The Library of Babel, Michael Gibbs; Escalas + Cuaderno de composición, Martín Gubbins; Lecture on Nothing, Brandon Labelle; Partially Removing the Remove of Literature, Kristen Mueller; El libro tachado, Patricio Pron; La repercusión de la línea en el espacio, Pablo Rasgado; Tree of Codes,Jonathan Safran Foer (préstamo de Verónica Gerber Bicecci); Suture, Morten Søndergaard; Listening to Noise and Silence. Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art, Salomé Voegelin; Metamorphosen Des Schreibens, varios autores (préstamo de Susana González Aktories).
5 August - 22 September 2017