11 Statements Around Art Writing
Goldsmiths & Frieze, 2011
1. Art writing emerges as a practice.
2. Art writing is a possible form of the liberty of the image.
3. Art writing names an approach within contemporary culture that, in wanting new potentials, embraces writing as a problematisation of the object of art, its dissemination, and forms of exhibition.
4. Art writing does not take modalities of writing as given, rather it tends to, and experiments with, non-division between practice and theory, criticism and creativity.
5. Art writing sustains all forms of art criticism, including the experimental and the hybrid. The artwork may be intensely engaged with, or it may be the starting point for fictional and poetic developments.
6. Art writing is in the situation of a fulcrum.
7. Art writing is an anthology of examples.
8. Art writing is reinvented in each instance of art writing, determining its own criteria.
9. Art writing addresses material literary forms, which draw attention to the spatiality of writing and the physicality of its support, but the interests of art writing diverge from those of literature.
10. Art writing involves relations between people, as discursive. In so far as it is art, art writing can engage public space no longer sustained by ground, including that of truth.
11. Art writing institutes such public space without truth, and sometimes disappears into it.
Co-authored with Yve Lomax, Michael Newman and Adrian Rifkin (2011) as part of the syllabus for the MFA Art Writing Programme I directed at Goldsmiths, University of London.